Page 218 - Beholding Liberty!
P. 218

Peter Heinrich Lambert von Hess (1792-1871)
Konstantinos Kanaris burning three ships of the line near Chios
lithograph, 62 x 45 cm
signed: P Herwegen inv. et sculpsit (under decorative border, centre) / Gemalt v. Peter Hess (bottom left) /
Lithogr. v. H. Kohler. (bottom right) / Eigenthum u. Verlag v. Meÿ u. Widmaÿer, München. (low centre)
inscribed (captions): Κ. ο Κανάρης πυρπολεί περί / την Χίον 3 πλοία της γραμμής. (top) / C. Kanaris destroys by fire three / Turkish Ships_of_the_line at Tchesme. (left) / C. Kanaris brûle trios vaisseaux / de ligne turcs auprès de Tchesmé. (right) / K. Kanaris verbrennt bei Tchesme / drei türkische Linienschifte. (bottom)
Hellenic Parliament Art Collection, inv. n. 306
 THE SERIES OF PRINTS by Peter von Hess [see cat. nos II.1.17-20] depicts Konstantinos Kanaris burning the Turkish flagship off Chios (6-7 June 1822).
Kanaris undertook that daring venture in retaliation for the destruction of Chios, in April of the same year, when a Turkish fleet of 34 ships landed on the island and quelled the uprising of the Greek pop- ulation. Known as the Chios Massacre, the event on March 30 inflamed the European public opinion. After the initial shock, a Greek fleet of ships from Hydra, Spetses and Psara was assembled, and pro- ceeded to attack the powerful Ottoman fleet an-
chored off Chios. As an Egyptian fleet was coming to the aid of the latter, immediate action was called for: Konstantinos Kanaris and Andreas Pipinos were assigned to the task. Kanaris steered a fireship into Kara Ali’s flagship and destroyed it, dragging to death the admiral himself and almost the entire crew, some 2,000 men.
This achievement wreaked havoc on the Turkish navy and was celebrated by revolutionary Greeks everywhere, while bringing glory and honour to its protagonist.
Here, Kanaris is shown standing amongst his crew; in the background, the Turkish flagship in flames.
 Peter Heinrich Lambert von Hess (1792-1871)
Alexandros Mavrokordatos saves Missolonghi
lithograph, 62 x 45 cm
signed: P Herwegen inv. et sculpsit (under decorative border, centre) / Gemalt v. Peter Hess (bottom left) /
Lithogr. v. H. Kohler. (bottom right) / Eigenthum u. Verlag v. Meÿ u. Widmaÿer, München. (low centre)
inscribed (captions): Αλέξανδρος ο Μαυροκορδάτος περισώζει / τό Μεσολόγγιον ενδόξως αγωνισθείς. (top) / Maurokordatos defends / Missolunghi victoriously. (left) / Maurokordato défend victoirieusement / Missolunghi. (right) / Maŭrokordatos vertheidigt / Siegreich Missolŭnghi (bottom)
Hellenic Parliament Art Collection, inv. n. 306
THIS PRINT FROM A SERIES by Peter von Hess [see cat. nos II.1.17-20] depicts Alexandros Mavrokordatos at Missolonghi.
Mavrokodratos, a diplomat and politician, also engaged in military action, not always distinguishing himself, as he was responsible for the disaster at Peta, in June 1822. However, he made a substantial contribution to the fortification of Missolonghi during the first siege and the successful repulse
of the Turks on Christmas night 1822. His activity, which helped save Missolonghi, ensured that his defeat at Peta was forgotten, and consolidated his position as a leader.
Here, he is shown standing amongst the defenders of Missolonghi, while a cannon is being drawn to defend the town walls. Mavrokodratos appears poised, gazing at the horizon and organising the defence of the martyred city.

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