Page 367 - Beholding Liberty!
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                                                                                                                                                                               4. G.C.F. Villa, cat. no 20,
in E. Manzato – G.C.F. Villa (eds.), Una Pinacoteca per l’Ottocento, Comune di Treviso – Canova, Treviso 2000, p. 108 M.E. Gerhardinger, cat. no 2 in AA.VV., Risorgimento a Treviso - opere
e testimonianze dalle collezioni civiche, exh. cat., Municipality
of Treviso (Grafiche Crivellari), Treviso 2011, p. 27. This oil on canvas painting by Lipparini, similarly to his other philhellenic works, was very popular through most of the nineteenth century.
It circulated in Italy and Greece
in smaller-scale copies – prints, aquatints, drawings, tempera paintings. Cf. M.C. Gozzoli –
F. Mazzocca (eds.), Lettor mio
hai tu spasimato? No. Questo libro non è per te – Stampe romantiche a Brera, exhibition catalogue: Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milano 1979 [Centro Di,
cat. no 111] (Stiav, Firenze) 1979, p. 37, cat. no 54.
5. It was an aquatint of the painting
Archbishop Germanos holding the flag of the cross over the ruins
of Kalavryta on March 25, 1821,
of 1838 (oil, now in the Gallery
of Modern Art, Milan) and a drawing of Souliote Reflecting on the Devastation of his Motherland (Lipparini made several copies after a variant of 1837; a copy
of a pen-and-ink drawing, of 1842, is in the Benaki Museum in Athens). For copies of philhellenic works
in general, see Note 3. On the popularity in Treviso of art inspired by the Greek independence in relation to the Italian Risorgimento, see M.E. Gerhardinger, Appunti
su aspetti di arte ‘risorgimentale’
nei Musei civici di Treviso, in AA.VV. Risorgimento a Treviso - opere
e testimonianze dalle collezioni civiche, exh. cat., Municipality
of Treviso (Grafiche Crivellari), Treviso 2011, pp. 10-14.
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